
Another questions

Can I gift a friend a key?

Yes, you can pass the key to a friend for activation. Please note that the key is activated only once and on one account.

How do I unsubscribe from your mailing list at the post office?

Every email we send you has an “unsubscribe” button - click it and confirm the action in the window that opens.

I like your store. Where can I leave a review?

It really makes us happy, thank you! You can leave a review in the comments under the product, in a dedicated thread in the VK community or on the website. We'll be sure to read your impressions of your purchase. Thank you!

I came across a site that looks like yours, but it's a little different. How do I know which site is real?

Our store is located only at - ( Before purchasing, please make sure you are on this site.
